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Programs “together” for the comprehensive care

Unlike many foundations, do not look Foundation lavender to orphans as children, the poor need financial assistance, but as elements of production and development needs to care and guidance. The care is not limited to them as individuals, but extends to their families, neighbors and community in which they live.
Concerned with the organization through its programs of comprehensive care to confirm this sense, it seeks to instil through various programs administered by the under the slogan: “Together” in many fields of philanthropy and development, including:
• providing services and social assistance.
• care of the family, childhood and motherhood.
• caring for special groups and the disabled.
• environmental services, health and education.
• cultural services, religious and scientific flights.
• facilitate the Hajj and Umrah.
• community development in all respects.
• consumer protection and strengthen the chapters and literacy.
• revolving loan for young people.
• a project to transfer passengers.
Program, “Together we keep” for memorizing the Holy Quran

The program includes a number of activities and events related to memorize the Koran, including: 

• Support Katatib current in the village
• Graduation and set the number of Islam Commission set up for the Holy Qur’an
• To organize free courses to memorize the Holy Quran
• Organize periodic competitions in the Holy Quran between the students and schools
• Honoring outstanding students of the Holy Quran.

The program “learn together” sponsorship attracted to the cultural and educational

The program includes a number of activities and events continue throughout the year, but not limited to school education, including:          

• Insurance expenses and annual fees for schools.
• school bag had received the beginning of each semester.
• Lessons for the strengthening of pre-tests each semester.
• Follow-up Academic Achievement in schools and homes.
• Provide rewards for high achievers curriculum in concerts honoring the annual
• Organization of cultural, literary and artistic prizes
• organization of seminars involving cultural stars of science and literature.
• courses in foreign languages and computer rates.

Program, “Together we grow” for health care

This program includes a number of activities and events related to health care both within and outside the institution, including:

o organization of health clinics to detect the daily free
o dispenses medicine to the needy orphans and their families.
o draft glasses orphans,
o the organization of specialized medical convoys with some public medical institutions or charitable
o agreements with doctors and specialized clinics to provide discounts to members of the institution or surgery free of charge
o ambulance and clinic services, family.

The “happy together” for social welfare

This program includes a number of activities and events related to seasonal and permanent social welfare and economic development, including:
• To provide winter clothing for needy families.
• Securing a loaf of bread a day for all the families of orphans in their homes.
• the month of Ramadan food basket.
• Provision of clothing fit for a holiday, a holiday gift (Christmas bonus).
• offer courses in embroidery and handicrafts for girls and women.
• Provide membership on behalf of the institution will allow the bearer to receive various benefits, special discounts and benefits of the appointment of special rates for construction costs for members of the institution of orphans, widows and volunteers.
• exchange coupons monthly needy families
• an integrated project for women widowed (training – Run – help management)
• Project brotherhood (each family to ensure that families)
• Project sponsorship (with advantages in terms of Coughlin)
• Draft a goat for each family of orphans
• care for those with special needs of orphans
• Project to marry an orphan
• Project marriages of widows
• renovation and housing for the housing of orphans and their families
• Provide assistance in kind and in cash and relief of disasters and calamities.
• care of the disabled in all respects and to prepare them prosthetic devices and a home of their own.
• combat drug addiction in collaboration with various bodies and care for their families healthy and socially, and economically.
• the development of society in all respects and consumer protection and the establishment of chapters to strengthen literacy and giving young people struggling.

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